Submissions Workshop
May 19th, 2024 at 3-5 pm ET
Trying to find an agent or publisher? If you’re a writer deep in the dregs of the awful submission process, we can help! Blydyn Square Books editor-in-chief Tara Tomczyk will show you how to fix problems in your submission materials and get your writing noticed. If you want specific feedback on a query letter or sample, email your excerpt (please keep it under 5 pages) to tara@ecallonline.org at least 2 weeks before the workshop. Tara will go through as many as possible.
Registration is Required.
Zoom Link sent in receipt emailed to purchaser once registered.
Please login in 5 minutes ahead of time if you can.
Click here to register: https://www.ecallonline.org/product/submissions-workshop/